Unveiling the Resilience of Investment Management Platforms Amidst Shifting Deal Dynamics in 2023

Investment management platforms are digital tools that allow investors to manage their investments online with the maintenance of an investment portfolio, or a collection of financial assets. In 2023 the investment management platform sector in the ESG FinTech landscape is experiencing stable deal numbers, with a decrease in mega-deals compared to 2022. However, interest and investment in the sector remain strong.

Investment activities in the sector are well-distributed globally, with strong representation from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. The overall trend in investment management platforms is very promising, emphasizing its enduring appeal to investors and the financial industry at large.

Steady Deal Numbers:

This stability suggests a mature and well-established market, signaling confidence among investors and stakeholders. The sector’s ability to sustain deal activity in the midst of changing market dynamics speaks to its enduring appeal.

Mega-Deal Slowdown:

In 2022, the sector experienced a notable surge in deal value, largely attributed to the groundbreaking $1 billion acquisition of Australia-based platform Superhero by Swyftx. This mega-deal served as a testament to the sector’s potential for growth and innovation. However, 2023 has not seen a repetition of such mega-deal transactions, with Clean Capital’s $500 million development capital injection from Manulife Investment Management in the US being a notable exception. While mega-deals may be rarer this year, this development underscores the sustained interest and investment in the Investment Management platform sector.

Case Study: Clean Capital and Manulife Investment Management:

The standout transaction in 2023 is Clean Capital’s securing of $500 million in development capital from Manulife Investment Management in the US. This sizable injection of capital demonstrates that, while mega-deals may be less frequent this year, there is still substantial interest and confidence in the sector’s growth potential. Clean Capital’s ability to attract significant funding reaffirms the sector’s position as a focal point for investors seeking sustainable and innovative financial solutions.


The Investment Management platform sector in 2023 is characterized by its resilience, stability, and sustained investor interest. While mega-deals may not be as prevalent as in the previous year, the sector continues to attract substantial funding from various regions, underlining its enduring appeal and potential for growth. As the industry navigates the dynamic funding landscape, stakeholders can anticipate further innovation, expansion, and a continued commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles within the realm of FinTech.

Source: KPMG Report “Accelerating Transformation Amidst Economic Slowdown: The Resilient ESG FinTech Sector”