Unlocking Environmental Sustainability Data: Tools and Platforms for Sustainable Finance


  • Tools, platforms, and communities for sustainability data
  • Examples: spatial finance initiatives, and AI-based platforms
  • Focus on improving availability, quality, and transparency
  • Geospatial data and AI to measure and manage climate-related risks
  • Use of NLP and AI for real-time ESG insights and risk monitoring

Accessing and developing environmental sustainability data is essential for sustainable investing, and asset managers and banks play a crucial role in obtaining this data. Besides large commercial data providers, specialized technology companies, NGOs, and the scientific community offer platforms and tools to support these efforts. Innovative governments are actively supporting fintech companies working on ESG data solutions and connecting them with scientific institutions to drive commercial innovation and environmental benefits. State-funded initiatives such as the Green Fintech Network, Networking Event Series – Sustainable Finance Technology, and Business@Biodiversity are examples of efforts to scale data access and awareness for corporate users. Platforms like ENCORE, WWF Sight, Restor, and IBAT provide data and insights on ecosystem services, biodiversity, and endangered species. Initiatives like geoFootprint and Satelligence focus on agricultural and industrial impacts on deforestation and environmental footprints. French joint venture CDC Biodiversité and Carbon 4 Finance offer biodiversity exposure assessments, while EconSight analyzes technology innovations for sustainable investments. Notably, platforms like RepRisk and Truevalue labs use AI and machine learning to analyze large-scale news-based data for sophisticated ESG insights.

Efforts are also underway to establish market structures for sustainable financing strategies. The Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster Germany and the FC4S Network explore how financial centers can contribute to meeting sustainable development goals. The Spatial Finance Initiative combines research capabilities in space, data science, and financial services to integrate geospatial data into financial theory and practice. The Future of Sustainable Data Alliance aims to determine the data needed to deploy capital sustainably. The Financial Big Data Cluster and the Financial AI Cluster focus on trustworthy AI, while the Impact Festival serves as a platform for sustainable technologies and innovations.

These initiatives demonstrate the increasing emphasis on data integrity, transparency, and advanced technologies like AI, NLP, and machine learning in accessing, analyzing, and utilizing environmental sustainability data. By harnessing these tools and platforms, stakeholders in the financial sector can better measure and manage climate-related risks, assess corporate performance, and make informed investment decisions aligned with sustainability objectives.
